If we didn't laugh, we'd cry
Check out this feature article from Reuters about the growth of comedy in New Orleans, especially the kind that mocks gvernment officials for failing the city's residents.
They also give a shout out to a new satirical newspaper, the New Orleans Levee (motto: "We don't hold anything back"), which they say is breaking even after just a couple of months.
This quote, however, sums up the larger picture of what's going on:
The number of amateur comics showing up at "open-mike" nights has grown from a handful to dozens, said Dane Faucheux, 27, a local professional comic.
"Before Katrina, people would think, 'I can't get up before an audience,'"
he said. "Now, who gives a crap? The storm made people start taking stock of
their lives, and they say, 'I need to do the things I always wanted to do.'"
God bless 'em.